Queensland, sunny one day…Communist the next.

April 3, 2023

by Aussie Roobs

The modern day Brown Shirts have arrived in Australia. (They were there all along)

*** Here’s a good one, Qld the communist state.

This is so chocka block full of hypocrisy and contradictions it’s not funny. But here goes…

Qld introduces hate symbol laws. Including the public display of tattoos, should they deem them “hate symbols”….and they do not specify what a hate symbol is. They do mention swastikas and nazi salutes, which I think is hilarious given that the Qld govt supports the Federal govt giving The Ukraine weapons and money, and we all know Zelensky is a Nazi and has Nazi death squads running around over there massacring people, but it’s ok we say it’s a hate symbol now and you’ll potentially go to jail for waving at someone in the street.

But that’s not all, apart from the Nazi salutes and swastikas, they do not specify what else is a hate symbol!

I guess they’ll just make it up as they go. Just like they do with every ‘law’ in this state, cause they can. No upper house.

From the Qld govt website – “New legislation has been introduced to ban the display of hate symbols, such as those representative of Nazi ideology, and increase penalties for offences that are motivated by hatred or serious contempt and the existing offence of serious vilification.

The Criminal Code (Serious Vilification and Hate Crimes) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 gives effect to four key recommendations made by the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee in January 2022 to strengthen Queensland’s hate crime laws.

A new ‘Prohibited symbols’ offence will be introduced to protect the community from the distress and insecurity associated with the display of hate symbols.

Under the new offence, public display, public distribution, or publication of prohibited symbols in circumstances that might reasonably be expected to cause a member of the public to feel menaced, harassed or offended are prohibited, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.

The offence is intended to capture a broad range of circumstances, including the public display of tattoos and the public distribution or publication of prohibited symbols online. “


“The ban will also cover social media posts and the public display of tattoos.

Offenders will face prison terms of up to three years under the proposed laws.

Performing a Nazi salute in public will be considered an aggravating factor in sentencing for public nuisance offences as well.

Hate symbols will be able to be added to the banned list through regulation, meaning new laws won’t need to be passed to extend the reach.”


*** This is disgusting folks, fully blown communism.

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