Have you ever heard Common Law people talking about your ‘Live Birth Certificate’?
You might think it’s a load of mumbo jumbo, and such a thing does not exist. But I am hear to tell you, and show you that it is a real thing. And I’m not even a Common Law guy!
My good mate Adam from Freedom Fighter Productions has put together the proof, and the know how to Obtain Your Live Birth Certificate that PROVES! you are a living man/woman and not an entity in the corporate matrix. That’s what they want you to think and that’s why they issue the generic birth certificate to everyone, it lists your name, date and place of birth and your parents names. But it’s NOT your real, live birth certificate. It is a registar, a record of entry into their system.
Adam obtained his Live Birth Certificate in the State of Victoria, Australia. But it can be done in every state and territory of Australia and all Commonwealth countries such as Canada, New Zealand, UK, etc
All the details and the proof of Adam’s success are in the following PDF, please download here
Follow all the instructions properly, you will need a copy of your govt issued birth certificate along with the application form the births deaths and registries office in the state, province, county of your birth, and the application fee which will differ depending where you are applying to. In Victoria it’s about AU$90 I believe.
The details for all Australian state registries, New Zealand, and the UK are listed on the last page.
Good Luck and Have Fun and please don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form here https://aussieflyers.com/contact if you have questions or run into any difficulties.
Adam also has a document that shows you how to deal with bills, insurance companies, parking fines and other un-neccessary government revenue raising schemes you may be targeted by. None of it applies to you as a living man/woman who is free with natural born rights bestowed upon you by the Creator. Man doesn’t grant rights but he can take them away if you let him. HOW NOT TO CONTRACT. Standby for that one, it will blow your mind.
Check out this short video on why birth certificates were created.
Thank you.
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The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along.
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Feedback – 17th Jan.
“Looking for the UK version of Live Birth Certificate.
Hi Roobs, I appreciate the thread containing the information pertaining to Live Birth Certificates and the template you provided.
I was just wondering how I would submit that in the UK as in the template the title is Victorian, the documents provided are Australian and the currency is in dollars? (on the form)
Is there a UK version or would submitting using this template with UK documents suffice?
Ryan, UK.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks you for your correspondence, we’re so happy you reached out to us about this. The answers to your questions are as follows:
We created the PDF on how to obtain your ‘Source Document – Live Birth Certificate’ from documents provided to us by a good friend of ours, namely ‘FFF’. (Fellow Freedom Fighter)
*Please find attached the said PDF
FFF was able to obtain His Source Document, in the state of Victoria, Australia using the Births, Deaths, and Marriages forms and fees. (All legit and factual. So this is acheivable for anybody who was born in a ‘Commonwealth’ country) *Unsure of anywhere else, the individual would have to find that out themselves for their own ‘country’ of birth.
What the PDF is, is just like you said, a Template. It is the template FFF used to obtain his Source Document- Live Birth Certificate.
What you have to do, is substitute the Victorian Forms and Fees, for UK ones. Does that make sense?
It’s the same process as long as it is in a ‘Commonwealth’ country, you just have to use the relevant forms and fees for the state, province, county, etc of your birth.
On the last page of the PDF the contact details for the UK births, deaths, marriages office are listed. As they are for New Zealand, and every Australian state and territory.
I couldn’t find the Canadian equivalent, or many others. So people in those areas will have to look for it themselves, but you can do it.
You 1st step is contacting the UK Births, Deaths, & Marriages to get the relevant forms. Fill em out, pay the fee, send em back and Bob’s your Uncle.
As far as fees go, it’ll be whatever they charge in your local currency. The PDF template created from FFF’s documents was in $AU, in Victoria, and that will differ in price from state to state here as well. So you won’t know what the price is in your area, until you do it.
That’s about it mate, we hope you’re successful and please do not hesitate to contact us again if you have any questions, need help or just for a chat.