The Fire Ant (Poison) Menace.

June 19, 2024

by Aussie Roobs

The National Fire Ant Program being run by government(s) in Qld and NSW under the guise of “biosecurity” is doing more harm than “good”.

Numerous reports are now coming in from the areas affected of people, pets, wildlife and livestock getting sick, as well as causing severe damage to the environment, after fire ant eradication teams have conducted “baiting” in the area. Both ground based baiting and aerial spraying.

There have been cases of beehives being destroyed, chickens and other foul droping dead after ingesting the poison baits, cats and dogs becoming ill and dying and people developing headaches, rashes and persistent coughs.

The following blog is some pertinent information I’ve put together to highlight some of the issues, and to suggest some things we can do to pushback and raise awareness to our neighbours, family and friends about this blatant poisoning of people, pets, wildlife, crops and livestock, our waterways and our environment.

Beekeeper in Bonogin, Qld loses 14 hives after fire ant eradication chopper sprayed his property.

In addition to the man who lost 14 hives at Bonogin, his neighbour also had this to say:

“My Pomeranian became very ill, a week after the aerial baiting. He had severe diarrhoea, stopped eating, drinking and walking. We have also lost 3 beehives a week after baiting, on two separate occasions. We know of many others that have taken their dogs to dog parks where they have baited and also became very ill. There are dogs showing Parvo like symptoms after the baiting. My husband and myself had diarrhoea and headaches after the aerial baiting and I personally have developed a lingering persistent cough.

This is becoming a major health issue for people, pets, wildlife and the environment. Please help share the video and get this information out to the people. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Bees are very sensitive to their environment and the aerial baiting is having detrimental impact on us, our animals and our environment.”

Another resident of the area said:

“Gosh, it’s a sad society when people have to fight to have clean air and soil and environment for nature around waterways.

Over 6 days that I’m aware of, we have had aerial helicopters up and down Bonogin Creek. I feel those on creek boundary have been more affected than other residents. Our family including pets were subject to chemical smells due to the southerly winds. Residue around pool and water tanks.

No bush turkeys since February. Bees and limited and what about the wild birds … if I have pests I want to get rid of … I will. But to subject us to threats of fines, large numbers of persons to enter property and enter if not home is just wrong.

This causes undue stress and anxiety, mental health issues to people who just want to live in peace and freedom. Plus to have council persons treat those who are concerned with rejection and removal of posts is very sad.

People who criticize those that are subjected to more chemicals than most should realise that we really do care for our environment and we all don’t know the long term consequences.
Thank you for the opportunity to have my say.”

This concerned resident said:

“My daughter has been sick on & off since March. I am currently recovering from pneumonia. And my cat has just had emergency surgery to remove her infected uterus. Now my husband is sick. Our family has not been sick in years… we even survived a ‘pandemic’ without so much as a runny nose. Must be all a safe & effective coincidence”

From Beechmere: ^

“Has any experienced poultry suddenly die after fire any baiting?
This morning at Beachmere we have found 2 chickens and 1 Guinea fowl in the pen dead. 1 Guinea fowl was found outside pen. Another young guinea fowl was seen walking around and dead 20 minutes later.”

Pets getting sick from the Fire Ant Poison, see video below:

^^A resident of the southern Gold Coast had to take his little dog to the vet after the pooch had inadvertantly ingested the toxic fire ant poison in a local park^^

The poison being used in the National Fire Ant Eradication Program is also used in flea and tick collars and treatments for your pet. See table below of adverse reactions and deaths of animals after exposure.

Toxic To Aquatic Life:

“Ingredients they’re using are Pyriproxyfen or s methoprene which if you look on the safety data sheet for these products they are very toxic to aquatic life.”

“Pyriproxyfen is harmful to aquatic life so I hope the biosecurity employees get to see this to see what they are helping to do – destroying our native wildlife. Not sure how they sleep at night knowing they’re poisoning this beautiful part of Qld.
Shame on you.”

“This is why you don’t indiscriminately throw this stuff around everywhere!”

Pyriproxyfen in the creek. Letter from concerned residents in Samford, Qld:

“Biosecurity Queensland

Subject: Inquiry regarding the poisoning of Samford Creek via helicopter.

Dear Media Team at @biosecurityqld @senatorsurfer @tanyaplibersek @sarah_hansonyoung @invasive_species_council
I am writing to express concern and seek information regarding the recent aerial poison baiting program that resulted in the contamination of Samford Creek, which is located near a school and is used for recreational activities. I have several questions regarding this incident and would appreciate your prompt response.
Here are my questions:

  1. What are the potential environmental and health impacts of this #Pyriproxyfen
    substance on aquatic life and human populations?
  2. Were any environmental assessments or impact studies conducted before the aerial baiting program, and if so, can the results be made publicly available?
  3. What protocols are in place to prevent accidental contamination of water sources and surrounding areas during aerial baiting programs, and how are these protocols enforced?
  4. Are there alternative, non-toxic methods for controlling pests in the area that were considered before resorting to aerial poison baiting, and if so, why were they not chosen for this operation?
  5. What advice or guidance has been provided to the local community regarding the safety of the creek for recreational activities such as swimming, fishing, or boating, following the aerial baiting program?
  6. Will @biosecurityqld be making a public apology or announcement about the contamination incident, and if so, when can the community expect this notification?”

High levels of the fire ant poison in Dawson Creek in the Samford Valley.

Remember this stuff is extremely toxic to aquatic life. And kids swim in this creek.

“If you live in Queensland or Northern NSW this will likely happen to you soon.

Please sign the petition to stop the toxic fire ant program.”

Fire ant poison in Samford Creek ^

Unfortunately it is already happening in other areas, and in Northern NSW. This from a resident of Murwullimbah, NSW:

“They chopper came over sprayed near our property, which backs on to the Tweed River. Within half an hour we noticed big schools of fish, mullet we presumed, feeding on something on the surface of the water. Hundreds of fish were seen jumping out of the water and we’ve never seen that much surface activity in our stretch of the river before.”

Aerial Spraying:

They need consent to spray your property and must not come within a certain distance.

“For anyone who got “Crop Dusted” from the aerial treatment, this might be of interest”

“The CASA permit that enables the contractors engaged by the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program to carry out low flying activities states in the conditions of the permit10 that: ‘No aircraft shall be flown below 500 feet within 300 metres horizontally from any occupied vehicle, vessel or building, without the consent of the occupiers as appropriate'”


“Prior to aerial treatment, written consent is obtained from the resident and at this time a request is made by the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program to the occupier to allow the helicopter to treat closer than the 300 metres horizontally from an occupied building which is a requirement of the Civil Aviation Order 20.21.”

Aviation Safety matters can be reported to CASA:

We know they are not abiding by these regulations and another clear case of breaking their own rules.

Not only toxic to aquatic life, check out the advice for livestock.

“This is from the DAFF website advising to keep livestock ie cows, horses, sheep, etc off land treated with the fire ant bait for 3 weeks!
Absolutely ridiculous”

13; Where treatment for fire ants has occurred:

b) Livestock must not be returned to the area(s) that were treated for a period of not less than three weeks after the date of bait application.

c) If livestock are not removed prior to and from the area(s) that were treated, the livestock and/or its produce must not be sold as organic or bio-dynamic.

Livestock advice^

There’s no fire ants here, why are you spraying?

“Not allowed to use under their permit where fire ants are NOT present. They shouldn’t even be spraying from helicopters if they follow the conditions of use or where there are no fire ants present. Therefore, this is your “reasonable excuse” to not have bait put on your property and you can refuse access to Biosecurity personnel.”

“To top it off, there’s no bloody fire ants here!” ^

From Kooralbyn, Qld:

“Roobs they came onto my property when I wasn’t home, broke the gate and scared the shit out of my 13 year old daughter. Then they baited my property. Later when I said there’s no fire ants on my property they admitted the nearest fire ant nest is 20kms away”

Breaking their own rules:

“Biosecurity Queensland @nationalfireantprogram have admitted they were negligent when they poisoned the creek.
So do our tax dollars pay the fine for your negligence?
Will you halt the program immediately?”

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Queensland), the maximum penalties for environmental offenses, including pollution of waterways, are:

  • For an individual: 4,000 penalty units (currently $268,800) or 2 years imprisonment
  • For a corporation: 8,000 penalty units (currently $537,600).
    Additionally, the Queensland Government may also issue on-the-spot fines for environmental offenses, including:
  • $2,438 for an individual
  • $12,192 for a corporation

Breaking their own rules ^


Alternative treatments:

Naturally Occurring Compounds/Materials as Alternatives to Synthetic Chemical Insecticides for
Use in Fire Ant Management, download PDF Here –

Fire Ant Treatment: Natural and Biological Control.

Currently, the best biological control method for fire ants is to preserve other ant species that compete with them for food and nesting sites, attack small fire ant colonies, or kill newly mated queen fire ants. –

Cinnamon Bark Oil kills fire ants!

Sounds like a safer alternative to synthetic chemicals such as Pyriproxyfen, S-methoprene, fipronil, hydrethylnon and indoxacarb to name a few!

See video below.

Feeling helpless and not sure what action to take?
Make sure your voice is heard!

Email your representatives and let them know that we DO NOT CONSENT and request an injunction.

Our amazing community members have put together a list of articles and research links for you to include in an email directly to council and ministerial representatives.

We have made it super easy and included their contact details on the doc for you.
You can also use our email templates to get you started.

Find all our resources here –

Please feel free to share this link with others.

Fire Ant Treatment Alternatives on Facebook

JOIN: Stop The Toxic Fire Ant Program Facebook Group

Stop The Toxic Fire Ant Program Website –

LIKE, FOLLOW, SHARE. Save The Bees Australia




On Friday 19th July 2024, residents of the Samford Valley, neighbouring communities and from as far away as the Gold Coast and Northern NSW attended a meeting conducted in Samford to address the issues relating to the National Fire Ant Eradication Program. Among those speakers in attendance were local property owners and people affected by the poisoning and One Nation Senator for QLD, Malcolm Roberts. Please watch the video of the meeting here –

Let’s put this into perspective. By Gary Duffy 25-7-24

Imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri) originally came from South America. In the United States, imported fire ants currently inhabit all or parts of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. They are discovered sporadically in Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland.

In the US 85 people have died after being bitten by Fire Ants since 1918, when they first entered the US. All died of anaphylactic shock, in 24 years in the US, 1119 people died from bee stings. More people die from Bee stings annually than 106 years from the fire ants.

In the US In the seven Southern states with fire ant infestations, losses to soy farmers average around 10% of the crop value. In corn crops, it’s 25% as the ants consume germinating seeds and damage young seedlings. Most of Australia is considered too dry for Soy production with Australia producing only 12.3 thousand tonnes, Queensland. (32% of total soybean production. The US produces 200 to 320 Mt annually.

Crop production in the United States is dominated by corn and soybeans, a significant share of which is used as feed for the livestock industry. The US has around 2.2 million Soy and Corn farms compared to Australia’s approximately 150,000 soy and corn farms.

Birds: In the United States, European starlings, blackbirds, and crows are abundant and widely distributed, with their winter populations believed to be between 750 million and 1 billion. The estimated annual damage to grain, fruit, and berry crops from these birds exceeds $150 million in direct costs.

In Australia, Bird damage is a significant problem in Australia with total damage to horticultural production estimated at nearly $300 million annually. Fireants do far less damage to crops than birds.

Crops in American states with fireants are destroyed more by plagues of voracious and rapidly breeding rats, birds, beetles, pigs and other feral animals.

Only in Australia is it claimed by the Invasive Species Council or from Fireant Bait manufacturers that Fireants will kill animals. Even claims that the Fireants will kill a cow. (But the cow has to be almost dead and lay on the top of a fire ant nest.) There are reports that fire ants can kill newborn chickens and ducklings, but only if they get stuck in a fire ant nest. But the same is found of any ant where the newborn (day old) chicks nest is attacked by any verity of ants. The Australian meat ant or bull ant will kill new born birds far quicker. Australian bull ants are the most dangerous ant in the world, it is a natural predator of the Fire Ant. The Australian Bull-Ant is known as the most dangerous ant on the planet.

A sting from the Australian Bull ant is the most common admission to hospitals in Australia.

The Australian Fireant program of carpet bombing all of SEQ, is killing off the Australian Bull ant and permitting the Fireant to become invasive.

It is time to defund the Fire Ant Program.

More perspective from Fire Ant Treatment Alternatives: Exposing Fire Ant Hysteria One by One.

Debunking the Hype: Fire ants can kill people.

You’ve probably heard the claim that fire ants can kill people. But is it something we should all start panicking about?

While fire ants can inflict painful stings, they are not typically life-threatening to humans. In fact, most people who are stung by fire ants experience only minor symptoms like redness, swelling, and itching.

But let’s put things into perspective:

– Bees can kill people too! In fact, bee stings are responsible for an average of 50-100 deaths per year in the United States alone.

– Ticks can transmit diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which can be fatal if left untreated. Paralysis Ticks can kill pet dogs and other animals and make humans very sick.

– Spiders like the redback and funnel-web can deliver deadly venom, with the funnel-web being responsible for 13 reported deaths in Australia.

– Snakes are responsible for an average of 50-100 deaths per year in the United States, with some species like the inland taipan being highly venomous.

– A 2017/2018 study shows you had more chance of being hospitalised by a stingray than by any ant including fire ants.

And here’s the thing: fire ants have been present in the United States since the 1930s, and yet, there have been only 85 reported deaths attributed to fire ant stings to date. That’s an average of less than 1 death per year!

But what about native ants in Australia? Jack jumper ants and bull ants, for example, can deliver painful stings that can cause anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can be deadly if left untreated. In fact, you’re more likely to die from a jack jumper or bull ant sting than from a lightning strike!

– Between 2000 and 2013, there were only two reported deaths from lightning strikes in Australia.

– In the same period, there were at least two reported deaths from bull ant stings.

– Jack jumper ants have also caused 4 deaths prior to the introduction of the venom immunotherapy treatment.

So, why the hysteria around fire ants? It’s time to stop exaggerating the risks and focus on the facts. Fire ants are a nuisance, but they are not typically deadly. Similarly we could easily implement a venom immunotherapy treatment program like they have with the Jack Jumper ants.

But here’s the real reason behind the fire ant fear-mongering: the Invasive Species Council is spreading propaganda to support the poisoning program. They want to justify the use of dangerous chemicals to control fire ant populations, despite the risks to human health and the environment. Don’t buy into the hype. Say no to the blanket spreading of toxic chemicals and yes to a measured, targeted approach without the irrational fear campaign.

Yet more perspective – Do you have a termite problem?

The Fire Ant may be your friend…..

According to ReCon Pest Services in The USA, Fire Ants eat Termites.

Which is the lessor of the evil?

Just sayin…what would you prefer?

The fight against the pesky fire ant in South East Qld is not a new one, check out this ministerial statement from former Member for Inala, Henry Palaszczuk, in 2004. Yes, that’s Annastacia’s Dad, and it’s probably just a coincidence………

Other Information:

One Nation Senator for Qld Malcolm Roberts at a Senate Hearing back in 2022.

“I had a simple question for our bio-security officials, are they winning in their war against fire ants in south Queensland? The answer I get from people on the ground is definitely not.

There’s a lot of questions about how the State Government is spending the hundreds of millions and whether it’s just a money spinner”

Fire ant fiasco: locals bite back in Logan City.

Flashback From The Vault; Spraying for Fire Ants in 1960’s America and the concerns held back then:

“In the case of the imported-fire-ant program, appropriations for “eradication” were voted by Congress, and it then became the obligation of the Department of Agriculture to carry out the program through its Pest Control Division. Officials administering the program have held that if they were permitted to carry on an all-out campaign the ant could be eliminated and any areas suffering damage to wildlife would be repopulated naturally. It is a matter of historic irony, however, that the entire furor over the fire ant has been concerned with an insect which, on further investigation, has turned out to be something less of a menace than it was originally made out to be.

Not so the poisons. One of the warnings sent out to local residents in advance of the spraying, for instance, says: “Cover gardens and wash vegetables before eating them; cover small fish ponds; take fish out of pools and wash pools before replacing the fish; don’t put laundry out; keep milk cows off treated pastures for 30 days, and beef cattle 15 days; cover beehives or move them away; keep children off ground for a few days; don’t let pets or poultry drink from puddles.”


^^Fire Ant documentary from the US, they’ve been trying to get rid of them there for decades, it doesn’t work.

All it does is poison the environment and all other species.

Full documentary:

The Red Imported Fire Ant; The Visitor Who Wouldn’t Leave.

As you can see, many government agencies have tried for decades to rid the United States of the fire ant, and have failed, through countless poisoning programs that do nothing but contaminate the environment and everything that lives in it with deadly toxins. And in the process, undermining the fire ants natural predators from doing their job!

To believe that Australia is any different and that eradication programs that cost billions of dollars using dangerous chemicals will work here when it hasn’t anywhere else is, to put it bluntly, insane.

As always with government initiatives, follow the money. Who is benefiting from this supply and application of these toxic chemicals?

Whose fingers are in which pies?

There is obviously more to this than just eradicating a pesky insect that can be controlled using natural alternatives and indigenous predators.

Follow the money folks, $$$$.

Aussie Roobs.


The National Fire Ant Eradication Program is a sponsor of the Gold Coast Titans NRL Team, I kid you not.

Shouldn’t they be putting the money into getting rid of the ants instead of making a football team richer?

Footy’s no fun with fire ants, but neither is the govt constantly taking the piss out of us.

Other Ants:

It’s interesting to note that it’s not just in Southeast Qld and Northern NSW they are carrying out these poison programs and propaganda about ants. It’s happening in North Qld as well. Just under a different name, in the far north there’s pesky little ants called “Yellow Crazy Ants”, as well as another ‘species’ called “Electric Ants”. Apparently the Electric Boogaloo ants are from Africa and a different species than the fire ants and yellow crazies…but somehow require the same treatment.

The Yellow Crazy Ant ^ It’s crazy alright

We’re gonna walk down to, electric boogaloo….look at all those boogying electric ants^

But wait, there’s more…..behold the “browsing ant”. This one attacks your internet search engines 😉 and is a problem, apparently, in WA and the NT.

The Browsing Ant^ Don’t mind me, I’m just browsing….

The Invasive Species Council of Australia held a community meeting on August 18th 2024 at the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on the Gold Coast in Qld, Australia.

The aim of the meeting was to try and “allay” the fears of the general public to the concerns of the toxic fire ant baiting program. It didn’t quite work out the way they wanted though.

Key speaker of the day was Dr Robert Puckett, a world renowned expert on Fire Ants from the USA.

Dr Puckett has extensive experience dealing with Fire Ants in the US and in particular his home state of Texas. Over there, people are able to treat the pest on their own properties without any govt interference and trespassing on their land. I’m sure the good doctor and his compatriots in Texas would understand how people in Australia feel about unwanted “human” visitors invading their privacy and property without their consent. Indeed, I doubt that would be tolerated by the majority of people in the Great State of Texas.

But anyhow, Dr Puckett gave a very good presentation and seemed somewhat shocked at the emotion in the room and he contradicted the government run program many times. Much to the chagrin of the talking head from the National Fire Ant Eradication Program who was also in attendance.

Thank you Dr Puckett. See videos below:

^^^Renowned Fire Ant expert from the USA Dr Robert Puckett admits that you shouldn’t treat for fire ants if they are not evident.

So why is the National Fire Ant Eradication Program doing exactly that?

Blanket treating 100% of the properties in the “containment” zone and going against the Safety Data Sheets of the poisons Pyriproxyfen and S Methoprene?

^^^ Some Muppet for the eradication chemical team tells an organic farmer his free range chickens need to ingest an amount of the poison equivalent to their own bodyweight for it to be harmful.

That didn’t go down well, cause it’s not bloody true!

^^^ A talking head from the toxic govt fire ant program tells the audience under no circumstances will they allow residents to treat their own properties with natural control methods.

Meanwhile in Texas, where Dr Puckett is from, people routinely treat their own properties for fire ants without any interference from the authorities.

Rally in Brisbane, Qld, Australia. 31st August 2024.

Sarah McGuire from Stop The Toxic Fire Ant Program speaks about the dangers of the blanket treatment the govt are conducting of people’s properties with the Toxic chemicals Pyriproxyfen and S Methoprene, both of which are considered very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. (Refer to the Safety Data Sheets posted in this blog above)
There’s also been reports from doctors and vets of people, pets, livestock and native animals becoming sick and dying from these poisons.

She talks about how Fire Eradication Program teams trespassing on people’s properties without their consent, and the heavy handed, bullying approach these toxic poisoners are using against residents. This must stop NOW!

As always, follow the money. Call it containment, no Federal Funding. Call it Eradication, hundreds of millions of dollars in funding. That’s what it ultimately comes down to.

Following Sarah’s speech, Dr Conny Turni from the Qld Alliance of Agriculture and Food Innovation, articulates the community concerns perfectly.

See video below:

Following the rally in Brisbane, the ABC did a “hit piece” (more like shit piece) on the people pushing back against the Toxic Fire Ant Program. Calling us all Conspiracy Theorists (yawn), and saying we’re all fear mongers (yawn again) about the threat of Fire Ant Baiting on people, pets, livestock, native animals and the environment.

They repeatedly say that it is not a poison (again, read the Safety Data Sheets for Pyriproxyfen and S Methoprene, it literally tells you it is) and again parroted the line, “It’s Safe and Effective”. Mmm, where have we heard that before?

And they conveniently left out the fact that one of their own, Dr Conni Turni from QUT, spoke out against the program at the rally last Saturday. See article here –

All this gutter journalism and smear campaign article tells me is, they are worried that more exposure to this toxic program will interrupt their multi-million dollar gravy train. Indeed, in any other normal circumstances the scribe who wrote this trash would be immediately sacked for failing to do the basic due diligence on the subject matter.

Again, and I cannot state this in more uncertains terms….NOBODY wants Fire Ants, all we want is to let the people control them their own way, on their own properties instead of bullying them, trespassing on their land and poisoning the land, while wasting billions in taxpayers funds on a program that DOES NOT work, is not effective and is severely detrimental to the environment and everything in it.

Aussie Roobs


We created the first DO NOT SPRAY FIRE ANT POISON sign back in February of this year. See below video.

Our 1st sign back in Feb 24 ^

In April 2024 we updated the signs to include No Trespassing and two QR codes that take people to the following websites – “Naturally Occurring Compounds/Materials As Alternatives To Synthetic Chemical Insecticides For Use In Fire Ant Management”

and, “Stop the toxic fire ant program. Wildly toxic poison used on fire ants is killing native Australian animals”


600mm x 450mm x 5mm Corflute Signs, see image below.

Our updated sign April 2024 ^

Order here –

Alternatively, download free print ready file here –


Fire Ant Poison Signs (QLD)

FIRE ANT POISON SIGNS – No Trespass – No Consent – No Entry – Pyriproxyfen – s Methoprene – Fipronil – Safety Data Sheets – DO NOT APPLY POISON – Toxic To Aquatic Life – Penalties Apply – QLD

600mm x 450mm x 5mm Corflute Signs, see image below

Order here –

Alternatively, download free print ready file here –

Fire Ant Poison Signs (NSW)

FIRE ANT POISON SIGNS – No Trespass – No Consent – No Entry – Pyriproxyfen – s Methoprene – Fipronil – Safety Data Sheets – DO NOT APPLY POISON – Toxic To Aquatic Life – Penalties Apply – NSW

600mm x 450mm x 5mm Corflute Signs, see image below.

Order here –

Alternatively, download free print ready file here –


600mm x 450mm x 5mm Corflute Signs, see image below.

Order here –

Download free print ready file here –


600mm x 900mm x 5mm Corflute Signs,6 versions to choose from. See images below

Order here –

The 19th Edition of our magazine features an article on the Fire Ant (Poison) Menace.

Please Subscribe Here

Thank you all once again for your ongoing support of Aussie Flyers.


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