Over 200 people packed out the Gold Coast German Club on the night of 24th August, 2022 for a fantasticly fun night of nut job knowledge!
There were prizes, raffles, the Alex Jones Bonus Round and a Tinfoil Hat competition. In fact, there was so much tinfoil there that local supermarkets reported being sold out of rolls of aluminium foil…
The Children’s Health Defense Australia Chapter team raised over $1000 to kick start their new flyer campaign – ‘Hands Off Our Kids – It’s OK to have informed consent’ which is absolutely awesome. If you want to support that much needed counter narrative to the genocidal government vaccination program, please see the bottom of this post.
A special thanks must go to all who volunteered their time to help with the raffles, the film and photography, the audio and the people who stood at the door welcoming the crazy conspiracy theorists as they arrived.
Also I want to give a huge shout out to the management and staff at the Gold Coast German Club. They put up with us every Sunday when we have our Awake Community Gold Coast meetings at the venue, and they really made us all feel extremely welcome on the night. I actually think they are starting to warm to us…caretaker “Klaus Schwab” (not his real name) was even spotted secretly answering the questions on the night! Fantastic!
Please see the pics of the night below, and you can watch the footage of the event here –
Round 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/n8iDYBfN0YsJ/
Round 2 https://odysee.com/@roobsflyers:0/Conspiracy-Trivia-RD-2:a?r=BMiawvsTkeaxbK6tdGSgC98ecLWVLYWQ
Round 3 https://odysee.com/@roobsflyers:0/Conspiracy-Trivia-RD-3:a?r=BMiawvsTkeaxbK6tdGSgC98ecLWVLYWQ
Round 4 https://rumble.com/v1hg151-conspiracy-trivia-round-4-and-the-alex-jones-bonus-round..html
Thanks to everyone who attended, it was a great night and we can’t wait to do another one. Standby for that.
Stay Free!
Nothing Can Stop The Great Awakening Of Humanity.
Children’s Health Defense 🇦🇺
OBJECTIVE: Inform parents about the dangers of jabbing their kids with the Covaids 19 death serum.
TARGET: Mums and Dads letterboxes all over the Continent.
WEAPONS SYSTEM: 10 Reasons Why You SHOULD NOT Vaccinate Your Children Against Covid-19.
WEAPONS DELIVERY MODE: 3,000,000 A5 Front & Back 150gsm Glossy Colour Flyers.
FUNDING: The People.
SUMMARY: The enemy has approved Covid-19 injections for children as young as 6 months. Parents have been under the pump for years in this country to jab their kids with big pharma poisons, It’s ok to not jab your kids with toxins, it’s ok to have Final Informed Consent.
or, Children’s Health Defense Australia
BSB: 062–643
Account number: 1011 4598
*Please put ‘kids flyers’ as the reference.
Thank you. See you all at the next one.